Our Products


After the signature of the contract between the purchaser and the factory, the Commercial department gives all the details and contacts to the client who will be able to put his order, one day before the required pour. The Assistant Technical manager and the dispatcher allocate the distribution of the transit Mixers and Concrete pumps to different facilities as per the daily concrete booking program confirmed for 24 hours in order to maintain the schedule that suits with the customer demands. The dispatcher direct the pumps to the sites as set out on the concrete booking register. Before mobilization whenever necessary, the pump operator locates the correct sites and inspects it to ensure that it has safe access for the pump and the mixers.

The dispatcher batches concrete as detailed on the concrete booking register with all the details of customer, site, mixer and quality required. The plant Labor supervises the positioning of the truck Mixer under the plant discharge point, to ensure there is no spillage of the ingredients during batching. When the computer has weighed out all the ingredients, which is shown by a visual display and an audible signal, this informs the plant operator that the ingredients are ready to be discharged into the Transit Mixer drum wet mixer.

In drying made, when the plant operator has initiated the discharge, the computer is programmed to place 50% of the water in the drum first, followed by the dry ingredients which the computer released in stages to ensure continuous flow of materials, following by the remaining water and admixture; the final 10% of water is retained and added by the plant operator to give the final required slump. The computer allows for the water contained in the sand by adjusting both sand and water requirements. All additions to the batch weights whether automatic or manual are recorded permanently.

In case of wet mixes, all ingredients will be mixed as per the percentages pre-programmed in the computer. Once batched , the Plant Operator inspects the load to ensure that it is the correct slump and properly mixed. The Plant Operator will then complete the computer batch sequence by printing out the delivery ticket which has to be authorized by his signature.

At the site, the pump labor or truck mixer drivers inspect the delivery tickets to ensure it is the correct load, and after the Mixer Driver re-agitated the load to ensure proper mixing, he carries out a slump test and specimens as per customers request to ensure conformity, prior to discharging into the pump or others discharging facilities.

The Pump Operator controls the flow of trucks to the pump by means of TMR phone or cellular phone contact with the Plant Operator. He will also advise of any change in the customers requirements and notify any problems or adjustments that are needed to the mix. On Site, cylinders or cubes required by the customer for his own independent testing are prepared by the site technician qualified labors who ensures that they are properly protected and cured during the period they are in moulds.

Sites cubes or cylinders taken by a qualified Technician will receive a daily report from dispatches stating him which sits have had cubes or cylinders made then previous day. He then visits the site listed, demould the cubes or cylinders, marks them to the customers requirements and places them in the site curing tanks. If no tanks is available , he will return the cubes and cylinders to SFR tanking laboratory to ensure proper curing is carried out.

Our Services

what we offer

Saida Construction provides its customers with high-quality branded Ready mix concrete and cement products for their construction needs. We are in this business since 2008. Presently our plants are located south saida city area .

The company produces many types of ready-mixed concrete, which covers consumer need, and different designs of concrete mixing different kinds, depending on use and the effort required to achieve up to 100 (MPA).

Concrete Products
Dry Ready Mix Concrete
Wet Ready Mix Concrete